Process all aspects of independent channel life and critical illness insurance applications, leading to financial security for clients and their loved ones Provide proactive and consistent information to advisors regularly Work di
处理独立渠道人寿和重大疾病保险申请的各个方面,为客户及其亲人提供财务安全 定期向顾问提供主动且一致的信息
2+ years of experience in customer service, ideally in an office environment Exceptional communication (verbal and written) and client service skills in both Mandarin & English required A positive, enthusiastic, and team-orien
2 年以上客户服务经验,最好在办公室环境中工作 需要出色的普通话和英语沟通(口头和书面)和客户服务技能 积极、热情和团队合作精神