Operate mechanical lift, winch, or vehicles Load and unload materials Take inventory of materials shipped or received Store, count, weigh, and open materials received Load and unload trucks, railway cars, and other vehicles for transporting goods Fill warehouse orders Label boxes to identify materials Dispose of leftover packing materials such as wooden crates, pallets, and cardboard
操作机械升降机、绞车或车辆 装载和卸载材料 盘点已发运或收到的材料 存储、清点、称重和打开收到的材料 装载和卸载卡车、火车车厢和其他运输货物的车辆 填写仓库订单 给盒子贴标签以识别材料 处理剩余的包装材料,例如木箱、托盘和纸板
Excellent organizational skills Knowledge of technology and machinery used for transporting or storing materials Understanding of inventory Awareness of Public Safety and Security measures in place to prevent injuries Understanding of how to dispose of hazardous waste material in a safe manner Ability to use computer technology to make labels, track inventory, and keep a record of storage Ability to work well with others Experience: Warehouse Management:1 year (preferred) Language: Mandarin (required)
优秀的组织技能 了解用于运输或储存材料的技术和机械 了解库存 了解公共安全和防止伤害的安保措施 了解如何以安全的方式处置危险废物 能够使用计算机技术制作标签,跟踪库存,并保留存储记录能够与他人良好合作经验:仓库管理:1年(优先)语言:普通话(必填)